Alice Geirinhas

Birdwoman, 2016, scratchboard, linocut
1. Drawing Utopias: The walls can’t stop the bird woman.
2. Dream Economics: No system, no art system, only art.
Alice holds a PhD in Contemporary Art, Colégio das Artes, University of Coimbra with a dissertation As I Am: Mapping in the first person, document and index. Currently, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Architecture, University of Coimbra.
She participed in several solo and group exhibitions at Lisbon, Porto, Coimbra, Rio de Janeiro, Oslo, London.
The graphic work is published in the several books: Alice (1999), Isto de Estar Vivo (2000), A Nossa Necessidade de Consolo é Impossível de Satisfazer (2003), Repulsa (2010), The Cabinet of dr Alice (2014) and Visual Manifesto (2016).