Antonio Occulto

Decision-making Power, Collage and pen marker on paper, 20,7x27,3cm, 2016
1. Drawing Utopias: My collage art in itself is an utopian expression which binds fragments of broken realities into illusions that are more touchable.
2. Dream Economics: I dream of an art world in which gallery owners invest in artists without cheating them. Also where every sector is connected so that we can achieve transparency and inclusion instead of ambiguousness and impenetrability. In this way artists will have better chances of maintaining their integrity and profession.
Antonio Occulto (1973) is a self-taught Italian painter and collagist based in Stavanger, Norway. He lived in Parma for 20 years and began painting under fine artist Alberto Reggianini in 2003, before he started making handmade collages, painted collages and mixed media collages in 2009. He defines his work as 'minimal decadentism'. Motto: 'Unpack and Create. Destroy and Shape. We are mystical sculptures.'