Andreia Alves de Oliveira

ldn_31052016, from the series The Framer: A Scripto-Visual Diary (2015-present)
1. Drawing Utopias
My series The Framer: A Scripto-Visual Diary consists of photographs and text (added using digital editing software), originating in the everyday activities of t/making photos, reading, thinking, living and establishing connections between these.
'ldn_31052016' is composed of an image made in the path that I take daily on my way to the tube. I was drawn to the juxtaposition of skyscrapers and supernatural skies, by the geometry and symmetry of the view. That day I read on a sociology theory book the sentence, which is a quote taken from Karl Marx's oeuvre. Its clear and simple articulation of the goals of a socially engaged scientific discipline struck me. The point of documentary and art practice could be conceived in the same terms. The path to the skyscraper city photographed earlier came to mind. The goal needs to be to study the deceitful utopia that these skyscrapers stand for and confidently take the path that leads to them in order to change it.
2. Dream Economics
Less economics, more dreams: to build a society less focused on consumption and its corollary: money-making activities, and more attuned to creative practices and aesthetic and intellectual production and enjoyment. The concept of an “universal income” which increasingly is moving from its academic and theoretical origins onto political and governmental arenas where its implementation is being studied and debated, offers an opportunity for citizens and voters to bring into being this simple but to the eyes of our current society perhaps utopian idea(l).
Andreia is a photographer and researcher based in London. My practice explores subjects related to contemporary life, more specifically life in Western, service-based society. I am interested in what is around, the reality I'm immersed in, what makes life here, now, what it is. Who are we? What is happening to us, in this moment, and why?
Research interests include the notion of artistic research, and the theory of photography and theories of representation, in relation to concepts of space and the everyday.2015 PhD practice-based, CREAM, University of Westminster, London. Supervised by David Bate and Joram ten Brink. Fully funded (CREAM scholarship). 2009 MA Photographic Studies, Univ. of Westminster (David Faddy scholarship). 2008 Creativity and Artistic Creation Programme, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon Previously, studied law and worked as a lawyer.