Maria Papacharalambous

Maria graduated with distinction from the School of Fine Arts in Athens. She continued her post graduate studies at the Faculdad de Bellas Artes, Universidad Complutence in Madrid and at the Universidad de Castilla la Mancha, Cuenca, Spain. She also holds a degree from Athens National Conservatory. She had solo exhibitions and she collaborated in different disciplines of artistic projects.
She was selected to represent Cyprus in different European and international Salons / exhibitions, such as Biennales and Triennales, in the fields of painting, photography, engraving, architecture, stage and costume design, installation, video art, short films (experimental, animation and documentary). She organized or participated in various international cultural events. She created urban interventions/actions, online projects, geopolitical art, international projects, artistic publications. Sometimes she collaborates with the artist and scientist Achilleas Kentonis and they create together as Binary Art Group. Also they created together Artos foundation. As a researcher, she focuses on philosophy and psychology, merging them with art, creating socio-artistic and activistic work/projects as social sculpture. She is taking part in a life coaching study programme at the psychology department of the Aegean University.